A review by thechaoshour
River Marked by Patricia Briggs


This book really freaked me out. It was kind of scary. Not in a Steven King kind of way but a creepy kind of way. The plot was really cool though and I really enjoyed it. I'm now terrified of going swimming in a river though. No big lose. It was worth reading. This is probably my favorite in the series so far. I just loved everything about it. I was really interested in the plot and how it was going to turn out. Especially because Mercy learns about her shapeshifting and father. This book is different from the others but it still fits in the series. I think a lot of people might not like it because of how different it is but give it a try and keep an open mind!

I liked the new characters in this one too. They were really cool. I still love Adam the most and there was A LOT of him in this book. I was sad that the pack isn't in this one though. It's just Mercy, Adam and some new people they meet while on their honeymoon. It's still a good read though and I really enjoyed it.

I'm nervous to see how long this series is going to be though. Long series aren't always the best. Sometimes you just need to stop writing and leave a little to the imagination. Hopefully it all turns out well!