A review by someonetookit
The Confectioner's Guild by Claire Luana


So I went into this with minimal expectations but I felt well entertained throughout. The characters while relatively simplistic, all had their part to play with personalitites ranging from Lucas with his soft and marshmallowy demeanour to Callidus's unchippable marble exterior and venom spitting tongue. Everyone has a place and purpose. Except for maybe Wren's previous boss who seems to only serve the purpose of being a jerk to her in aspects of their involvement.

While the setting of the narrative is fairly generic, the reader's mind is frequently engaged with the vivid descriptions of various sweets. I mean who doesn't love thinking about cake and truffles, and eating cakes and trufffles. I may or may not have gotten hungry frequently for the entire duration of this novel.

The premise of the book, killer cupcakes, is an interesting one I have not seen before. Yes I have seen poisonings and various other foods such as wine and dinners being the culprit, but had i ever imagined noshing on the prettiest and immaculately decorated cupcake in existence and then sudddenly dropping dead? I can inexplicably say no.

While I enjoyed the novel, it did drag in places and therefore attracted a lower rating. At some points, I actually felt bored. At others I was caught unawares. It was however, overall well paced.

Would I read it again? Probably. Would I read its sequels? Definitely.

Actual rating 3.5 stars.