A review by lnewton
A Dictionary of the English Language: An Anthology by Samuel Johnson

Yes I read a dictionary....

But this dictionary is far more than what you will find in Webster, Oxford or Collins, for many reasons. I will outline three below.
The first is because Johnson's dictionary was the first attempt at a comprehensive dictionary, and therefore a modern reader can see the developments of the language in it. Words commonly used in the 1700s are outdated or non-existent in modern languages, and equally words that were outdated then are used often now. These small insights add up and alone create a wonderful linguistic experience.

The second, and honestly more interesting reason, is that Johnson employs great writers of the past for examples of words in context. There are quotes from Shakespeare, Pope, Dryden and more, and a reader can enjoy perusing these quotes while becoming somewhat familiar with their styles. At this point I feel comfortable approaching these older writers as I've had a sample of what they offer.

The third point is that Johnson is simply witty, and that alone can make a dictionary interesting to read. Humour comes through in the short descriptions, and often in unexpected places, though they keep this dictionary interesting.

As a final note do not attempt to read this like a normal book, as you will be either bored stiff or outright tired by the time you finish the letter A. Skim, jump in and out, try to find funny words and you will have a great time.