A review by lizziestudieshistory
The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan


4.5 stars

Not much happened in this book, in comparison to EotW and TGH, as this was maneuvering the main cast into place in preparation for the next book (I presume anyway). However, I found it the most engaging as we really got chance to explore the other characters separately from Rand who, naturally, has dominated the series and the other character's interactions so far.

Personally, I would have like a bit more of the Tar Valon/Black Ajah plot to have been from Nynaeve's perspective and spend less time from Egwene's perspective. Egwene's character is understandable but is incredibly irritating, particularly with the childishness towards Nynaeve making some very sensible decisions for them both and Elayne. I also just prefer Nynaeve (and Elayne) as characters to Egwene, so reading SO MUCH from her perspective can get incredibly irritating after a while. But I will say this was the most intriguing part of The Dragon Reborn and I'm most excited to learn more about Tar Valon and the Aes Sedai.

Considering he had such a strong presence throughout TDR Mat continues to annoy me, which is a pain to talk about because he is such a fan favourite. I rarely get on with characters like Mat, however, I have hope he will mature and develop somewhat as we progress through the series and I'll start to understand the universal love for him.