A review by lyndsm28
Sticks and Stones by Michael Hiebert


After reading the blurbs on the jacket that said this book has the feel of To Kill a Mockingbird, I was so excited to start on it. Unfortunately, I was seriously disappointed. As a creative writing teacher, I had to wonder who edited this book. The story itself might have been okay, but it got bogged down by unbelievable, overly cheesy dialogue. My words cannot do justice to the nature of the badly crafted lines in this novel. A story that probably should have been told in 300-350 pages lasted well over 500 pages. Tedious as hell. People reading this may ask themselves, "If it's so bad, then why did you keep reading it?" Alas, I'm one of those souls who is unable to cast a book aside once I've started it. I would feel too guilty to purchase a book and then not see it to its conclusion.