A review by kellyhager
The Other F-Word by Natasha Friend


Hollis has known that her moms used a sperm donor to conceive her for basically her entire life. She also knew that she has a half-brother who was comceived from the same donor. But now Milo has contacted her for the first time in years because he wants to find their father. And we soon learn that they have siblings. All told, there are six of them (though one is adamant about not meeting their donor).

I am so in love with this book. A lot of it could be my story (though I was adopted, so it's not exactly the same) and I think I have had at least one conversation in this book almost word for word.

But the real best part is Hollis. Watching her go from an only child to having brothers and a sister is awesome. Family is a weird and kind of fluid thing sometimes, and this book reflects and honors that.

I am so glad I found it. Highly recommended.