A review by sammah
Children of the Night, by Dan Simmons


It's rare that I DNF a book. I mean we're talking one book every couple of years at best. I don't usually outright quit, even if I have to skim to finish it I almost always make it to the end.

Not this time, and it comes with extra disappointment because I've loved all of the other Dan Simmons novels that I've read. This one though... couldn't do it. I got about halfway through and gave it up for dead. It was just...boring. That's the best way I can think of to describe it. There was so much medical and scientific jargon, and not enough of the actual story and characters. It was putting me to sleep, and I had zero motivation whatsoever to continue it.

I feel awful about it too, being a fan of his. I'd just rather not waste anymore of my time trying when it's very obvious this is NOT for me.