A review by lizdesole
The Bone Seeker by M.J. McGrath


Thanks to Goodreads Giveaways for this book.
If you are looking for a fast paced mystery, this is definitely the wrong book for you. However, given the setting of the high Arctic, this glacial pace (pun intended) worked for me. The real star of the book is the place. The descriptions of the Arctic as well as the way people live there were immensely satisfying for me. This was particularly a great escape to read in the middle of an East Coast heat wave. I felt cooler just reading it.
The characters are a bit underdeveloped but somehow that worked for me as well because the place descriptions were so lush.
The mystery itself had an unsatisfying resolution but I liked that the red herrings had an even bigger importance to the life of the area ( a soupcon of political/ environmental issues)