A review by magpie_666
Splatterpunk Fighting Back by Bracken MacLeod, Matt Shaw, Glenn Rolfe, Kit Power, Kristopher Rufty, Jack Bantry, Tim Curran, Adam Millard, John Boden, WD Gagliani


4/5 Such a fun and gross collection of tales, I really enjoyed each and every one.

This collection was put together to raise money for charity so EVERYONE should buy it, whether you've going to read it or not (you should totally read it).

I loved MELVIN by MATT SHAW. Sub genres mean very little to me, but if you were to ask my what I thought Splatterpunk was then this would be exactly that. There was a few times when I thought "gross" and at one point I uttered "That's just grim", but then I actually burst out laughing at another point. Excellent story.

EXTINCTION THERAPY by BRACKEN MACLEOD was a great story. Spencer was a really interesting character and to witness his progression was quite scary. And Doug and Cary were such a nice couple, so down to Earth and likeable.

I'm so glad I'm not part of THE PASSION OF THE ROBERTSONS by DUNCAN RALSTON. I don't really celebrate Christmas, I don't decorate my house and I scowl at people when they wish me "Merry Christmas " so I'd have no chance with them.

I seriously enjoyed every single story in the anthology and have purchased a book from each other them since to show my support for them all.

The stories were all really well written, the stories interesting and the characters well fleshed out (most of the time, haha).

I thoroughly recommend this to anyone who enjoys horror.