A review by mae0524
Wildflower Heart by Grace Greene


*ARC Review*

This was written as a first person narrative. The characters are described directly and the main conflict is character versus self and nature. The theme includes some popular ones such as love, death, survival, and prejudice.

Kara Hart has gone through a lot in her life and is just attempting to find a balance in all of the chaos. She is our protagonist and is a round character who has gone through many dynamic changes before and during the story. Her main confidant is her father Henry and new friend. She can be described as resilient because each time her world has taken a wrong turn she ends up pulling herself back together in order to become a stronger person. The exposition shows us what kind of life Kara lead up until the accident that took her husband. The rising action is all about Kara’s recovery and her father’s decision to move to Virginia countryside. The climax is all about the journeys that Kara and her father have restoring an old Victorian Mansion. The falling action show Kara starting to adjust to what could be her new normal. The resolution does not really conclude anything as it sets up for the next novel in the series.

The author does have a unique flow and organization of the story but does give lots of details and a full background on the reasons behind Kara’s personality. Her word choice is smooth and lets readers easily follow what she is writing and lets the readers begin to form ideas about what is going to happen with Kara and her father’s lives as the embark on the journey of restoration. No, I would not recommend this book. This book would be good for readers who enjoy slower paced novels, or are into artistic or restoration projects. This book would not be good for readers who enjoy some sort of action or drama, enjoy lots of character interaction or are looking for a love story.