A review by hope97
The Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan



Unlike many others, I feel like The Fires of Heaven had a strong start. I really enjoyed getting back into the world of The Wheel of Time after a short break and felt it welcoming and comforting to be back.

I really enjoyed the first half of this book. The prologue was strong and I really loved reading through The Foresaken point of view. It's safe to safe this prologue intrigued me and I thought we were off to a great start.

I quite enjoyed Min, Siuan and Leane's journey but it was a little slow for my liking with not much happening for the majority of the time.

I was invested in Nynaeve and Elayne's journey and actually found the famous "circus" section I see quite a few people talking about, really enjoyable.

I feel like the book started to go downhill after the halfway point. The pace slowed. There was a lot of travel and conversations with little reward. I am still really struggling to care for Rand and the Aiel. I'm not sure it's the Aiel in particular, they're a really interesting people, but it might be how the plot is written that surrounds them. The pacing is super slow and sometimes I do struggle to grasp the characters, culture, places and intentions that surround the Aiel people.

I felt quite disjointed from many characters in this book, including Rand, Lan, Moraine and Egwene and felt their personalities became quite dull in this book.

The climax was satisfying, but I really do thing my energy deteriorated towards the end of the book and my detachment with some certain characters reduced my enjoymemt of such a climatic, powerful ending.

I struggled with The Shadow Rising too so I'm really hoping Lord of Chaos is going to be more enjoyable for me after two slow books in a row.