A review by bookschief_managed
Alien Bounty Hunter: Volume 1 by David M. Booher, F. J. Desanto, Adrian F. Wassel


This review is a lot harder to write than I had anticipated. It's not that the book was bad or poorly written by any means, I actually enjoyed the story line for the most part.

Let's do it this way,

Here's what I liked:
-The artwork was absolutely gorgeous. The colors, the line work, everything.
-The world building was really well done.
-The characters were very unique.

What I didn't like:
-There was so much text going on sometimes, it was actually distracting.
-It didn't flow. And that was a huge turn off for me when it comes to graphic novels. That's probably the main reason that I didn't give this more stars.

I did enjoy reading this and would love to check it out when it's published.