A review by marklpotter
The Cormorant by Chuck Wendig


Miriam is back and in my opinion this is the best book in the series so far. We get see Miriam really deal with her gift and it's consequences. Couple that with the large amount of backstory and our heroine becomes so much more than she was in the other books. I really like the serial killer aspect in this one, the way Miriam's gift is used against her, and how helpless the whole situation feels. My only complaint is that the abuse that Miriam takes in this, and hell the other books, would incapacitate just about anyone. But that's it, the sum total of my complaint.

I like the setting moving to Florida for this one and think that Wendig captures that FL feel. Well, at least based on other fiction I've read that's based in Florida. So I guess Wendig captures that Florida fiction feel really well, which is all I could really ask for.

Using Miriam's visions and killing people she's going to come in to contact with is a genius move on the part of Wendig. It plays well in to the grit he does so well. I don't always like the way this story was framed. The whole FBI interrogation being the basis for the story doesn't always play well. The trope was alright here but it did feel superfluous through most of the book. But I think Wendig would win "Best Of Use Of Chekhov's Gun" if that were a category.

I was going to talk more about the story but I'm tired, supposed to be working, and this is third book in a series. If you're this far in to the series then you should read it based on sheer bloody mindedness. If you're not then talking about the story here isn't going to convince you one way or another, but you should at least read Blackbird and give this series a shot!