A review by emmelnie
The Scandalous Vixen by Tracy Sumner


The Scandalous Vixen is lush. There’s a richness to the words here, and at times it’s almost overwhelming in its depiction of Roan and Helena’s reactions to one another. But then again, these are two people who spent 10 years apart after Roan completely fumbles his initial meeting with Helena. Despite that, they’ve tracked and followed one another, and Roan knows that Helena’s the person for him throughout that entire period.

I felt like this book dragged at the beginning. That initial event that blasts Roan and Helena’s chances is shared only through Roan’s and Helena’s feelings about it years afterwards. It was challenging to figure out exactly what happened, and reading their reactions to an unclear situation was confusing. But once it became clear what happened, and once Roan manages to convince Helena to visit his family estate for Christmas, the story moved along swimmingly.

One of the things that helped with that is the overwhelming attraction these two have for one another. Sumner describes everything they feel through sensation: scent, touch, and sight are all used to convey how all-enveloping each is to the other. I also really liked that Roan feels a bit like an imposter as a duke, while Helena feels a bit of an imposter as a businesswoman. Each must work against the stereotypical reactions to their positions to build their own truths in their lives. Seeing the respect each gained for the other’s primary interest over the course of this book was just marvelous.

The Scandalous Vixen is a great addition to what’s turning into a wonderful series. I’m excited for the next book, and I sure hope Sumner has it in her heart to give Reginald Norcross his own HEA in a novella one day!