A review by selfwinding
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales by Joss Whedon


It took a while for me to warm up to this story. I didn't love the end arc of Season 8, so opening on the aftermath of all that meant I had to remember all the Twilight nonsense (also, seriously, you couldn't have come up with a different name?). But I found myself really drawn to the siphon storyline and wish that it had been developed further. This actually is a constant problem I have with modern comics, story lines are developed and discarded in less than five issues, and I'd rather spend a longer time with most of them. (I'm still hoping the siphon will come back for the end of Season 9.)

All said, the siphon is fascinating, it's hilarious that Buffy was arrested for staking a vampire, and I'm super into Detective Dowling. With Willow going off with the broken scythe, I'm eager to see where this goes.