A review by loreofthebooks
Expecting to Die, by Lisa Jackson


Why do I keep reading these books when I know I'm not going to enjoy them? So many authors of mystery recently have been hit or miss for me. Anyways, if it says anything, my writing this review several weeks after I read this book, I don't remember much about it.

And generally for books I even semi-enjoyed I remember at least the plot. This...nothing. I actually had to go back and read the plot to remember which book it was I read by this author. They all start feeling the same at some point.

Once I remembered it was a Pescoli and Alvarez book I connected the dots. I didn't really like it. I was just...meh on the whole thing. I remember skimming large sections and not enjoying it. I keep saying "this book of x is my last one" and yet, I go and read another.

I will probably try one of her books again at some point when I'm looking for something to read, but still.

There was nothing memorable about this book. And therefore I have no comments other than it couldn't have been that great if I don't remember it.