A review by the_novel_approach
The Boy Who Came In From the Cold by B.G. Thomas


4.5 Stars

The first time I ever read one of B.G. Thomas’s stories, I was hooked. I said to myself, “Here’s a man who knows what love is and knows how to put it on paper,” then I went to my computer and bought every single one of his books available at the time. From that point on, he’s been an auto buy for me, and even though there may have been one or two of Mr. Thomas’s stories that went in a direction that made me feel just a tad uncomfortable or sad, I can always feel the love his characters have for each other and wouldn’t dream of missing out on one of his books.

Gabe is basically a good man who has known what it’s like to be out in the cold, albeit it temporarily, who meets the right person at the right time. This is what I call the crossroads part of the story—this is the point where Gabe wouldn’t have ended up where he is now if he hadn’t done the right thing at the right time. But Gabe has been burned before when returning a favor, so I give him big kudos for not giving up completely when he meets Todd. Gabe could have just walked by this young man. Instead, he decides to give Todd a helping hand.

Now, Todd, who has hit the bottom of the barrel, has come to a crossroads as well. All the dreams he had when he came to the big city have been systematically squashed like a bug. He’s homeless, cold, and desperate when he meets this stranger who, at first, mistakes him for a hustler. Even though the hustler part gets cleared up the morning after their one night, Todd actually contemplates robbing his host blind while Gabe is at work. I was glad that Todd made the right decision by trusting Gabe.

We all take something away from every book we read, and this is what I enjoyed about The Boy Who Came In From the Cold. Call me a sappy romantic, but I really love these types of romances; not too heavy with the angst but with a moral to the story—the moral in this case being “pay it forward.” Or, better yet, the simple reminder to always show kindness without expectations.

Charlie David did an excellent job with the narration of The Boy Who Came In From the Cold, and I would highly recommend the audio version if you’re a fan of B.G. Thomas’s and Charlie David’s work.

My rating is a solid 4.5 Stars.
