A review by amyapple
The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie


After picking this up and putting it down several times I made it a new year resolution for 2024 to finish it.

I started again from the start and powered through the boring self loathing Glokta who never once stopped to not complain about his ailments and how great he USED to be but is toothless and no longer so great…

Logen and his path to what?! And also still living in the past for most of the book..

The writing was palatable but the plot was sooooo slow moving that I would forget what the point was. May I also ask why each character has to be referred or by so many different names?!

The last three chapters gave me some reprieve with action and movement .. but otherwise I found the story ever so flat.

Perhaps it is because I’ve been recommended this by sooooo many people that I thought it would be a much better story.

I’m not sure if I care less what happens to anyone at this point…