A review by nadine_booklover
Command Me by Geneva Lee


First thing first: This book gave me major FSOG vibes. Even though I enjoyed reading it, I didn't end up loving it. And I don't know why. However, yet it got me somehow hooked enough to power through and wanting more. I dove into the 2nd book, as soon as I finished this one.

Both characters, especially Alexander have lots of unused potential with their characters growth. Don't get me wrong, I liked Clara but IMO she gave in too often too easily just because of her physical attraction towards Alex.
We actually don't get to know the characters, only superficially. Especially Alex. We also get lots of internal dialogue and many heated scenes (some are a hit and some a miss for me).
And overall I got the feeling that their relationship is more physically than anything else. I miss parts where they really start to get to know each other. I want to see why they fell for each other, other than being great in bed together.

The overall plot is somehow all over the place as well as partly repetitive. So, I'm wondering what exactly it was that intrigued me enough to go on and wanting more. We'll see how the story unfolds through the next two books, because sure as hell I want to know how Clara and Alexander's story ends. :-)