A review by yvo_about_books
Careless in Red by Elizabeth George


Finished reading: August 30th 2016
DNF at page 80
qq 0 star rating


WARNING: upopopular opinion ahead!! Honestly, I've tried. I think this is only the second or third book I have ever DNFed and I still feel a bit guilty for doing so... I must have started reading Careless In Red at least four or five times before over the last two years, but I just can't bring myself to keep reading. There are too many storylines and the pace is slower than a sleeping snail. On top of that the descriptions are superlong, dull and the story itself just doesn't grab my attention either. It's honestly a shame because this book belongs to one of my favorite genres... And I'm aware Careless In Red is actually book nr. 15 in a series, but after this sample I don't think I want to read the first book after all. I know a lot of people seem to enjoy this series, but it definitely isn't for me.


Detective Superintendent Thomas Lynley retreated to Cornwall after his wife was murdered. There he spends six solitary weeks hiking the coastline, but he cannot seem to escape his memories. On the forty-third day of his walk, Lynley discovers the body of a young man who seems to have fallen to his death. He has no choice but to abandon his solitary life and has to ask for reinforcements. While the closest town seems to be an unlikely place for murder, it soon becomes clear that a killer is indeed at work. And this time, Lynley is not a detective but a witness, and even a possible suspect...


I always enjoy reading a good mystery/detective story, but somehow I never managed to read but a few pages at the time of this fifteenth book in the Inspector Lynley series. The pace is so slow and the descriptions are so long that it's really hard to stay focused, and I also found that it had way too many storylines going on. That said, I've only managed to read the first 80 pages, so things might improve later on. I guess I will never know...

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.