A review by valerieloveland
Homage of Mistress Bradstreet, by John Berryman


John Berryman's [b:The Dream Songs|150236|The Dream Songs|John Berryman|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1172212018s/150236.jpg|145004] is one of my favorite books. I was excited to read [b:Homage to Mistress Bradstreet|334570|Homage to Mistress Bradstreet|John Berryman|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1173839938s/334570.jpg|325054] because Berryman is mostly known for his Dream Songs, and I wanted to see what else he wrote.

The book was not as good as the Dream Songs. I liked the Mistress Bradstreet poem (especially living in Massachusetts now). I really enjoyed the writer's unconventional relationship with his subject. I was impressed with his description of childbirth. Berryman also included notes on the poem at the end, and some of those were just as entertaining as the poem.

I really didn't like the poems included in the "Early Poems" section of the book. I didn't like his strict rhyming in these poems, the form really sticks out in an awkward way. I think his later looser forms worked better. He was also pretty traditional with the subject matter in the early poems, and it was a relief to see his style heading toward the unusual. They are also lacking his twisted sense of humor, like Berryman is trying to be super serious.

I liked some of the other poems, but they were mostly the "Nervous Songs" which seemed like a prototype for the Dream Songs, without Henry or Mister Bones, unfortunately.

My favorite poems in the book:

Homage to Mistress Bradstreet (I can't believe Poetry's website includes the whole poem)

The Captain's Song

Young Woman's Song

Song of the Demented Priest