A review by selenajournal
A Common Pornography: A Memoir by Kevin Sampsell


i picked up a copy of common pornography for the kindle, mostly on a whim (or my secret love and devotion for lidia yuknavitch. don't tell her). the author is a portland writer that i'm familiar with and i'd heard a lot about the memoir. many of the memoirs i see don't sound interesting to me. i'm not big on reading about famous people. i can tell you though, kevin sampsell has had one hell of a life. his family is large and varied. he's not shy to talk about his sexual experiences of the "dirty laundry" that many would try to not put onto paper, to publish. i appreciated the candor. i wasn't sure the book would be for me when i started reading it but i was genuinely intrigued by where the vignettes were going and in his writing style. as soon as you realize that you're getting brutal honesty and a bit of self-deprecating humour, you can fully enjoy the novel.