A review by abalderson
The Christmas Murder Game by Alexandra Benedict


My first Alexandra Benedict book and I did thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a cosy murder mystery that made for a really good alternative Christmas read to the traditional christmassy romances.

While I did enjoy the plot and grew to love each of the characters in their own way, I did find parts of the book a little confusing and repetitive. There are a lot of characters to get your head round at first and it didn’t help that two of the main characters have very similar names; Lily & Liliana. It then became very repetitive throughout the storyline which was a little annoying.

The plot was very cleverly written with each of the different riddles and also the riddles for the readers to find but that started to make the book harder to follow and made me loose a bit of interest. The writing also flips between 3rd and 1st person a lot adding to it not being an easy read.

Whilst there were also intriguing twists and turns, I did find the main ending quite predictable and was able to guess the outcome early on. However, there was a secondary twist in the ending which did catch me off guard and I found shocking, hooking me till the end. I do also think the ending could have answered more questions as I did feel like there was still a lot to resolve and it was left quite open ended with no hint as to a second book.

Overall it was a good murder mystery Christmas read which I would recommend, but it is one you have to really pay attention too rather than an easy to follow along traditional Christmassy read.