A review by leelulah
Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution by Sheila Jeffreys


Jeffreys was my introduction to radical feminism. Turns out that she can become a bit repetitive. Most of the works I liked had that reference to early sexologists, the failures and lies of Freudian psychology, the differences between gay and lesbian culture, the castrating ability of transgenderism, etc. The problem is that her solution to this is 'become one of us'. This shows the obliviousness present in the radical feminists for whom every woman aiming to marry and have a family while repudiating any sort of absuive scenary and behavior, is a "handmaid" (in Atwood's terms).

This didn't have much new bits of info for me. Guess I'll just stick to her anti queer theory work. The only good thing this book made me realize is that psychologists have been stepping outside their area forever, even aiming to describe anatomy in tremendously wrong ways.