A review by lizzuplans
The Christmas Bargain by Peggy McKenzie


Story-wise, I really enjoyed this book in the “Betting on Christmas” series. Brody and Annie / Annette’s romance was fun to read about and great to see develop. 
Perhaps it was even my favourite one thus far. 
Yes, some of the side characters were flat and a bit cliché (the jilted ex and the French couturier), but these types of book thrive on clichés ;)

BUT. The book had lots of spelling mistakes that made the whole thing come across as lazy and disinterested. I am not saying that the author or editor is lazy or not interested, but to have spelling mistakes in the name of your main characters (Brady vs Brody), in the name of the couple the whole series revolves around (Chelsey vs Chelsea), names of famous people (Harry Stiles vs Styles, when it is actually spelled correctly in the book), etc., it is usually not a sign of book that went through all the stages of “production” properly.
Also, the book starts with Brody sitting at the desk in his office and the next sentence he is standing next to the window? Sorry that is just sloppy. (“Broderick Mason sat in his high-rise office twenty-four floors above the busteling Manhattan landscape on the corner on Seventh Avenue and West 33rd Street. He stood next to his floor-to-ceiling overlooking the rooftop park three floors below and smirked.” Yes petty but I thought about DNF’ing then.)

Bonus points for the love for Billy Joel!

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions.