A review by mom2twinsplus1
Holler If You Hear Me: The Education of a Teacher and His Students by Gregory Michie


This is a fantastic book for anyone who is going into teaching or who is already a teacher. Very insightful. I'll admit that I was scared in parts, especially when he talked about having no guidance or curriculum and having to wing it. That's my biggest fear as I approach the end of my graduate work and head into a classroom of my own. But the biggest lesson I learned from this book was that I need to remember to see my students as individuals rather than as a collective. I need to remember that I can't expect them to check their lives and their world at the door. I should embrace it, let them enjoy it, talk about it, etc. Learning about who they are, what they love, and where they come from is an important part of not just my own learning process as a teacher, but also theirs as a students. Michie does a great job of this in his book. He somehow found the balance (after trial and error, of course) and he brings hope to aspiring teachers that we can do the same thing.