A review by inked_up_bookshelf
From the Shadows: Villainous Tales of Dark Lords, Despots, and Devils by Jamie Edmundson, J.P. Burnison, D.W. Hawkins, Joe Jackson, Allegra Pescatore, J.T. Williams, Christopher Russell, Aaron Hodges, Jacob Peppers, Bethany Hoeflich, Sarah K.L. Wilson, Angel Haze, J.C. Kang, Eileen Mueller, Zaid Samer Alshattle, Miri C. Golden, Eric T. Knight, J.E. Mueller, Jeff Bacon, Jeffrey L. Kohanek, Rachel Rener, Stacey Trombley


Ghoul Grief Jacob Peppers
The story is based around two men sharing an experience of the past other. Maximillian the Magnificent is a right pompous man waking to what he thought was just a bad night out of drinking. As the story went on he realize something was a miss. I really enjoyed the pace of this story, the flow and bit of humor here and there was just enjoyable all around. Great way to being this book!

The Precipice of Sin Rachel Rener
The Evil One vs the Chosen One told by the villain. Humorous at times but makes you really wonder; can we change our fate as prophecy was been told. The webs of strings wound together to make your destiny solid no matter the path we take. I really did love this short story and there is so much potential to make it a whole book. *cough cough hint hint*

A Dragon’s Guide to Hatching a Rebellion JC Kang
This was shorter than the rest but enjoyable to a point. It was a blurred line as for how could the MC a dragon be the villain in this story. His ego, and his ignorance was a bit much but I can see why he was the way he was.

Interview with a Dark Elf Jamie Edmundson
I adorable Jamie’s series Me Three and to get another story with that ogre I had a great time reading this. People even elves aren’t the what they seem. This story proved us just that.

Let the Dark In Stacey Trombley
I loved this little short story. Malcolm was the typical prey for darkness to seep into the soul as he was bullied by his peers and those in his village. Stacey really did a fantastic job on showcasing the empathy of the “villain” within the story.

The Sea Witch Bethany Hoeflich
This novella wasn’t my favorite so far but it was interesting! I found it very “Little Mermaid-ish” so obviously if it’s turning into a full novel retelling I’d be all for it. But a preface to who
And why she is what she is the story just felt obvious?

A Mad King’s Hymn JE Mueller
I couldn’t connect with this story unfortunately. Unique definitely, writing was well done but the story itself just didn’t hit any of my emotions.

This Trap Has a Beating Heart Sarah LK Wilson
This was a short but sweet interesting novella to one of Sarah’s newer series that I haven’t yet begun so I’m glad I got a chance to read a tid bit and of course add yet more books to my TBR.

Zens’ Dragon Eileen Mueller
This explains so much, having only read 3 of Eileen’s Dragon Riders novels so far (I know I know I need to read them all) Zens is the main villain of that series and his background wasn’t always clear. This was such a heart wrenching short story.
TW: child abuse is present.

Wizardoms: Soul Blade Jeffery Kohanek

The Binding Day Truce Allegra Pescastore & JP Burne
Dual POV Ilyas of Vine and Willow of Herb. Opposite sides of the war both deadly set out for a final fight to the death.
With being such a short novella I found myself needing more depth but that’s okay as I know there was more to come in Book 1 A Bond of Tread that takes you for a wild ride.
I love the uniqueness of the world both these authors are creating and the complexity of the characters. Two men wondering why they fight for this war that isn’t just black and white.
Highly recommend this novella and book one if you want a new take on the Fae/Magic with a huge world building next level story.

Sun Touched Zaid Samer Alshattle
An interesting tale for sure. The more I read this anthology the less I find who is the villain in each story. Unique names, and a beautiful way to magic with the sands and motions of will. I enjoyed this story very much.

Oblivion Eric T Knight
I wasn’t sure how I felt about this, the tale was okay. It was different from most short stories in this anthology thus far but it felt short, like I was missing the wow factor.

The Menagerie Miri C. Golden
An interesting tale for sure. Who was the real villain, the jailer who is threaten by the prisoner for the prisoner who could destroy all the jailer holds dear. Fun, grim, and dark.

Gravitas: A Tale Of the Constella Christopher Russell
What a strange and enjoyable story. Scraw reminded me so much of the Egyptian King who set out for slaves to build his kingdom. It was odd to read this short story and see how easily “man” can be corrupted by the perseverance of will for their own good instead of all.

Birth of Darkness Aaron Hodges
This story maybe the shortest but it sure packed a punch. I didn’t expect that ending. I recall reading the tale Oathbreaker by AH my first year in IFA. I think it’s time to revisit it. I loved this tale. Truly power can cause corruption and evil within someone’s mind.

Apples and Shadows A Tale of Dwenhar
JT Williams
This was unexpectedly amazing. Chanlur was a very complex character I wasn’t sure how the tale would be and if it be truly a villain or just a boy with a troubling past.

The Trouble with a Necromancer Joe Jackson
This was a sad tale for sure. A necromancer and a scaly lizard like female working on dead corpses