A review by bookgoonie
Necromancer by Lish McBride


Matt’s best friend, Ash, drags him out for Waffles and Chili Fries. He looks forward to these moments, because he misses her. She died four years ago from cancer. Now she is the Harbinger of Death. In the span of a few pages, you feel Matt’s ache and longing to be with Ash like the good old days. He even considers suicide to be with her. Thankfully she poo-poos that idea.

I already like the characters and the possibilities that are introduced. I do not know how this story fits into the overall series. I don’t usually read the chapter excerpt included in books, but I skimmed this one. I didn’t see hide nor hair of Matt and Ash. So I’m not sure if they are a standalone story hinting at Matt’s possible Necromancer abilities or they just aren’t in Chapter 1 of Hold Me Closer, Necromancer.