A review by nataliecummings
Boyfriend Material by Ilsa Madden-Mills


This was a case of it's the book slump not the book. This was just fine for me. It was a second chance enemies to lovers after they were in prep school together and after giving Eric her virginity Eric casts Julia aside. 4 years later after avoiding each other for years at the same college Eric helps Julia out when she's in trouble a couple times. They become friends and finally they can't help but want more. But family
obligations, vindictive frat bros and the pressure of the future becomes too much. I have reads lots of books by this author and enjoyed most of them but I couldn't connect with this book. The characters had heavy things going on but it felt very surface level to who they are. We got to know they're problems but not how the
problems defined them. There was little angst but high drama. With Eric always coming in to save the day.

A damsel in distress was fine but Julia was made out to be this super tough take no shit character and
sometimes she just let Eric steamroll right over her. Little grovel after the dreaded 3rd act break up and it was all forgiven way too fast for me. The characters lacked a depth I needed from them to have. Also felt like there was so much drama just the sake to make them more complex characters. Like with all the side characters added in only one or two really had any sort of good story line or help. The ending and epilogue were cute. This book was enjoyable enough to catch my interest and you could feel the connection between the characters but something was missing for me.

3.5/5 ⭐️