A review by hannas_heas47
Naked Hearts by Valentina


I’m marking this a spoiler review but it’s really not.

Poignant story …when life becomes your adversary and your scared of your own shadow due to a horrific ordeal. Arabella stays true to herself as she unfurls her hurt to become strong again. She meets a man who finally interests her enough to reach out and want to live again. Lorenzo himself has been through an ordeal which makes him sense something in Arabella.

What did I like? I’m not sure where I come up with most of the ARC’s that I read but this one has a lot of feels. Two broken people coming together to help mend the other. I like how they went against the odds despite what there lives befell them. It was an interesting story and well written. I’d definitely read more by this author! Four stars!

Would I recommend or buy? I like dark romance and how these two come together is not easy. I’m sure you need to read trigger warnings on this one, hopefully author displays them in blurb. I don’t have any triggers but the only reason it lost a star is because it was easy to guess the ending.

Thanks for letting me read this and this is my voluntary review.