A review by franzidw
The Help by Kathryn Stockett


Historical fiction is the best genre. Try to change my mind. I’m torn between 4 and 4,5 stars. This book was so good to read, the story is captivating and easy to follow.

What I liked less, is that often, one event is adressed, and then the pov changes and when it switches back, said event is just being ignored. I though this was a pity in some cases.

Now I‘ve read and heard many critics about this book, and I totally get why. The main story line could be interpreted as white-saviourism, and the fact that there are two pov‘s from black women, while the book is written by a white woman bothered me too. However, in my opinion, white-saviourism goes a bit further than this book goes. (I hope that makes sense, I can‘t really explain it w/o spoiling stuff)

Additionally, Kathryn Stockett has a disclaimer at the end of the book where she explains that she is aware she cannot depict the circumstances of black (and white) women with a 100% accuracy. She wrote this book as an ode to the Help of her grandparents.

So I can see why people would criticise the book, and I totally support that. Nevertheless, it is incredibly well written and I loved reading it.