A review by fiesty_sympathy
The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults by Amy Ellis Nutt, Frances E. Jensen


This was a book I read, I am unsure the amount of regret I feel. The book was aimed at parents but was surprisingly insightful, it taught me that I don't like neurology and that authors need to fact check books accurately. Their were a couple outright lies for one the author claimed that smoking joints of pot regularly leads to schizophrenia, I googled it, it is actually advanced paternal age at time of birth and genetics. It is true that those who are schizophrenics are more likely to have smoked pot in there youth but in actuality that is more likely used as a pre diagnosis coping strategy than a cause for the condition. Regardless I am still glad I read it, the book explored the neurology of addiction and how teenagers are SOOOO much more susceptible to it. Due to the book being written in 2015 it didn't acknowledge the topics of mental health but the neurology of addiction can definitely be applied to contemporary applications.