A review by mastersal
Wallbanger by Alice Clayton


I had originally read this when this book was first published - so 2012 / 2013. I remember enjoying my time with it enough to read the next book too.

Recently after reading [b:One Night Stand|2594488|One Night Stand|Julie Cohen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348255204l/2594488._SY75_.jpg|2241177] which has a sort of similar premise (see: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3327241123?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1) I’ve decided to give this book a re-read. Well at least the premise of a noisy neighbor was similar enough to make me want to give this book a whirl.

This time I listened to the book on audio, which is usually not my preferred format for reading romance novels (because it takes forever to get through them). It was a mostly successful experiment which I may repeat with the next book in this series. I did give up on the audio for the last 40% because IT WAS JUST TAKING TOO LONG!!

The first half of the novel on audio was quite a lot of fun. Yes, the humour has dated a bit - it feels like the late Sex and the City seasons - but the audio allows the humour to land better I think. The narrator obviously took the text more seriously than I, which helped keep me focused. I found myself rolling my eyes a little when I was reading the book physically during the second half.

However, this eye rolling could have been that the last 40% dragged. The couple declared their love for each other with another 6 chapters to go, so the last section basically was an overly extended epilogue. Yes, there is a lingering issue that the couple have to work through but the romance portion of the book is over with 40% left, which makes for uneven pacing. The last few chapters didn’t have any stakes so I couldn’t take it anymore and just finished it physically.

In the end, I am maintaining my 3 star rating - I liked the book even though the humour is very cheesy and the book is quite superficial. I mean, our heroine named her organism and personifies it! Yes, it was a bit Inner Goddess - but given that 50 Shades and this book were published within a year of each other, I am thinking this is a general humour quirk of the period. For some reason, it worked for me - it was so silly and mindless.

Fun book which you can read with your brain on a much needed vacation.


Older review:
Cute read. I enjoyed it but I was really surprised that this was a series. I think I skimmed Book 2 as well which was sweet.