A review by jakobmarleymommy
Dirty Girls on Top by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez


I eagerly anticipated this sequel to "The Dirty Girls Social Club." I even pre-ordered it from Amazon.com because I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. "The Dirty Girls Social Club" was witty, edgy, fun and well-written. I had hoped that "Dirty Girls on Top" would be much the same. I was sorely disappointed.

To put it bluntly, "Dirty Girls on Top" sucked. The entire time I was reading this book I wondered why Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez had come to hate her characters so much. She turned each and every one of them into a character I despised. I had enjoyed Usnavys as a sassy, indulged woman. She turned into an obese, unfaithful wife. I loved Lauren's quirks and slightly crazy character. She is now a over-the-top crazy, experimental lesbian. I admired Rebecca's organized, "perfect" lifestyle. She turned into a robot. Elizabeth and Selwyn had such a cool relationship; when the book ended Selwyn had abandoned the baby she and Elizabeth had adopted and Elizabeth conveniently began dating a woman from around the corner after having cheated on Selwyn with Lauren. Cuicatl/Amber changed from an edgy musician into a woman obsessed with her Mexican heritage. And Sara, who watched in horror as her husband killed her beloved housekeeper, actually began to date him again.

The author took these characters who I had loved so much and turned them into pathetic, unlovable women. The story was painfully predictible. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I groaned as each character made yet another bad decision.

I fear that Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez may be turning into the next Patricia Cornwell. Let's hope she redeems herself with her next book.