A review by kimswhims
The River Wife by Heather Rose


Love, I came to see, was not simply a river; it was an ocean few crossed with ease. Perhaps it was not the crossing that mattered but the boat that it was built to travel in.

Riddles such as this pepper this delightful little fable and the fable itself is contained in a beautiful little hardcover with a black ribbon bookmark.

I've tried once before to read this but seemed easily distracted, it's probably a tale that you need to be in the right mood for but once you are it's a beautiful way to spend a few hours in.

I think I've read everything else that Heather Rose has written now except for [b:White Heart|2324754|White Heart|Heather Rose|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1481558512l/2324754._SY75_.jpg|2331286], which I don't recall ever seeing. Must track down a copy, I adore her writing and it seems that there is no style of writing that she can't put her hand to.