A review by swilliams
Decline Of The English Murder and Other Essays by George Orwell


note: my overall rating given is roughly based on the average ratings of the essays (below)

this is an odd collection of essays ? it contains political ones with literary analysis ones in the middle, which i didn’t enjoy as much. my favourite ones were ones that i had read before in the ‘why i write’ collection, so i’d recommend that over this collection if that’s what you’re more interested in.

decline of the english murder - 3/5
a hanging - 4/5
benefit of a clergy - 4/5
how the poor die - 3/5
rudyard kipling - 2/5
raffles and miss blandish - 3/5
charles dickens - 3.5/5
the art of donald mcgill - 3.5/5
notes on nationalism - 4.5/5
why i write - 5/5