A review by damnfinesam
Ominous: Book II by K.V. Rose


✨ “All I want is him. All I want is this. Succubus. Icarus. A demon in the night. A mortal in the sea. I can help him fly. He can set me free.” ✨

REVIEW: kv, kv, kv, you’ve done it a-fucking-gain. Your words punched me in the chest & made my medicated, numb, bipolar little heart ✨feel✨ something again. Book 1 was my top read of last year & it looks like book 2 is gunna be my top read of this year (that is if sinister doesn’t come out). I am completely obsessed with Eli & honestly see myself as Eden. It feels like these characters were made for me specifically, I connect with Eden so fucking hard. Everything gets ramped up this book, our characters are pushed to their limits & they both crack. You see Eli fully embrace his sociopathic tendencies & Eden, god Eden, you see her go off the deep end.

“‘I love you too,’ he says, and there it is. The words to drag me back to him, like a wave pulling me under, and I’ve never wanted to be able to breathe underwater more than I do now.”

Eden spends this book constantly warring between her head & heart. She takes on the weight of the world, she’s such a fucking Virgo that she thinks she can fix Eli, fix her brother, all while taking care of herself. She learns pretty quickly that she can’t do it all.

If you’re looking for a love story, this isn’t it. This is the story of two people who become wholly obsessed with one another, who drag each other to the depths of hell & fuck when they get there. It’s messy. It’s confusing as hell. Everybody’s lying. Everybody’s telling the truth. Is Eli actually a killer? Can Eden stop her Icarus from getting too close to the sun? We get answers this book & they fucking HURT. I love these two so much, KV’s best work yet in my opinion (yes, I have read her entire backlist, don’t judge me lol)

“I think this boy belongs in the water. If he ever does die, if he ever goes back on his word, it just might be the water that kills him.”