A review by petraperusesbooks
The Best Laid Plans by Karla Sorensen




If you know me, you'd know that I adore Karla's work, I was esctatic to receive three ARCs in a row by her! I must admit, I went into this story almost blindly, as I read the synopsis and by the time I started the book completely forgotten about it. But fear not, I was not in the slightest disappointed by this turn of events.
Karla is one of my favourite authors when it comes to the best sport related stories, in my opinion. Her characters are well-rounded, their development fleshed out, the romance is romancing and I almost want all her heroes to come sweep my off my feet.

Burke and Charlotte's stories are both centered around redemption of some kind. They were both burned professionally, Burke even had some unfortunate personal matters that darkend his heart quite a bit. Charlotte was whimsical AND professionally really assertive.
Their contradicting personalities provided the most eventful banter, kept the story moving and their encounters were equally fun and emotional.
I loved how step by step, Charlotte was able to crack Burke's outer shell, and how they both learned to work as a team on the jobsite as well as in their friendship, then later during their romantic endeavours.
And who knew Burke could produce this amount of groveling and expressing feelings this big of a way, when one first met him!
I wholeheartedly recommend starting one of Karla's series, you won't regret it!