A review by a_novel_ty
Changeless by Gail Carriger


Actual Rating 2.75

Changeless brings back Alexia, her friends and her husband Conall Maccon and they have a different mystery to face. Supernaturals are being turned human again and no one knows why or who is responsible for it. In the midst of that mystery, Lord Maccon finds out that the Alpha of his former pack has died and he goes back home to Scotland to see what he can do about it. And of course Alexia follows and together they try figure out what is going on. All while dealing with Ivy and Tunstels forbidden love, Felicity trying to thwart their pairing, Madame Lefouxe and her secrets and Lady Kingair trying to keep her pack together after the loss of their alpha and immortality.

This book has made me really realize and understand why authors and tv show writers never put two characters together in the beginning of a series or tv show. They usually make you wait and wait and wait and with shows like Bones, its not until eight years later that there's ever actually some kind of satisfaction as far as relationships and love interests goes.

With this book, I really realized just HOW MUCH the tension and angst and "will the won't they" aspect between the two main characters made first book entertaining because this book was so boring and tough to get through. With Lord Maccon and Alexia already being together in this book, the weight of my enjoyment of this story fell entirely on the plot and the other characters in the book and I was not impressed or entertained.

The same characters were present and a few new characters were introduced as well, but the execution of the plot was just long winded and dull. There was a lot of time spent on useless information and filler. I don't think its entirely necessary to spend half a page on the description of each characters clothes every time they change into a new outfit. I understand that in this time and era, clothing and presentation were very important but it's not necessary to emphasize it on every other page.

There were some moments throughout the book that made me smile and chuckle here and there. While the anticipation of interactions between Alexia and her insatiable werewolf husband Lord Maccon was all but gone, it was still fun to read their banter and witness how much of a great pair they make for one another even though they are complete opposites...Literally. Alexia is still a fiery and passionate Italian and Lord Maccon is as robust and dominant as ever and that is the one saving grace to this story for me.

One character I found to be over the top and completely annoying is Ivy Hisselpenny. I really don't understand how Alexia can stand to be her friend because she is so SIMPLE. I get that she's supposed to offer a bit of comedic relief because Alexia has a really dry sense of humor and she would be a really great character if she weren't SO dumb and annoying. Alexia spent the majority of her time trying to figure out what was going on to make all of the supernaturals human. Dodging bullets, nearly falling off of air balloons and almost getting poisoned. All while Ivy spent her time, getting in the way, fainting and asking dumb questions at the most dangerous and inopportune times. Alexia is so smart and logical and impatient of all the intricacies and excess of their society, how she puts up with Ivy for even a day let alone three years completely baffles me.

I really wanted to like this book because I enjoyed the first one so much. But I guess when the enjoyment of a book is entirely on the question of if two characters will get together or not...there's really nothing left after they actually do get together.

I was 100% certain that after I read this book, I would not continue on with the series. I told myself that no matter who died, who got arrested or poisoned or whatever sad cliffhanger Gail Carriger decided to employ, I would NOT read the next book....And then I read the last three pages. I really REALLY do not want to continue on with this series, but I NEED for what happened at the end of this book to be resolved before I can rest easy and move on from this series.