A review by itsmytuberculosis
Between You & Me by Marisa Calin


What did I think, you ask dear Goodreads?
That's what I think. I picked up this book for the interesting format. It's written entirely in script format. I have never ever seen anything like it and being an intense theatre nerd was drawn to the idea of the book. I fell in love with the idea, not the book. There were some parts of the book that I loved. I loved how we didn't have to deal with a freaking out of sexuality or the "but I don't like girls" crisis. I also liked how flawed of a character Phrye was. (I still have no idea how to pronounce her name and still say it Fry or Free in my head.) You got to see how wrapped up she got in Mia and COMPLETELY ignores everything else happening around her. The entire book you start to get a feeling of what is happening with the best friend (which isn't confirmed until the end) about how Phyre's actions are getting out of hand.
Somethings I wasn't so hot on the book was the lack of plot. It seemed I was simply reading a book about pining and borderline stalking people will get you nowhere. I expected more of the rise and fall of liking someone, however it was more of the rise that kept going until a 300 meter drop off. Also it seemed that whatever school they went to it suspended in some alternate reality with horrible teaching methods.