A review by michellesbeachreads
Sweeter Than Chocolate by Lizzie Shane


4.5 stars - Sweeter Than Chocolate is not your average Valentines romance ... it tells the story of two people who are afraid to take the leap for love even though their hearts are telling them it's the right time to take a chance on each other. Lucy owns a chocolate shop that has been in her family for generations and Dean is a reporter known for uncovering frauds and sticking up for the little guy. While Dean is good at his job, this hard exterior isn't good for the promotion to morning anchor that he wants. What better way to change your image than a fluff piece on love, chocolate, and magic that happens on Valentines Day?

The story kept pulling me in for more and as the relationship between Lucy and Dean began to grow I found myself rooting for them to trust the 'magic' of the Cupid chocolates. Oh, and all that chocolate making also made me crave chocolate raspberry truffles. As you may know, this was made into a Hallmark movie that aired on February 4, 2023 ... the movie was enjoyable and followed the book for the most part, but I know there is only so much they can fit into a movie .... and as in most cases, the Book was better!!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. Thank you to NetGalley, Hallmark Publishing, and Lizzie Shane for sending this ARC for my review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.