A review by sarahjunebooks
The Air I Breathe: Worship as a Way of Life by Louie Giglio


Wow. The Air I Breathe by Louie Giglio taught me so much about worship. As soon as I finished the last page, I immediately wanted to share it with others. This is a book that shouldn’t collect dust on a book shelf, it’s a book that should be passed around from person to person so that they can understand what worship is.

The book was an easy read with eleven chapters, it kept my attention throughout the entire thing and it was easy to follow the logic and flow of the author, Louie Giglio.

The book dives in from the beginning with the argument and fact that we are all worshipers. We were created to bring pleasure and glory to the God who made us. We were all made to worship. Worship is our response to what we value most.

“It seems we all are eventually captivated by the question of why. Why are we here? Is there a reason for our lives? Is there something we’re uniquely destined to do? It’s the age-old dilemma – what’s the purpose of life? The answer begins and ends with God.”