A review by ashreads10k
My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent


This novel left me SO EAGER TO READ MY SOUL TO STEAL! In this third installment to the Soul Screamer series, the troubles for Kaylee are far from over. Bad guys that we met in My Soul to Savemake a reappearance, and we're dealing with Demon's Breath in a completely different way. Instead of being a replacement for a soul, Demon's Breath is now a highly addictive inhalant drug that's being spread around Kaylee and Nash's friends. How is it getting to the human world? And why is Nash acting so weird about it? They have to do something to stop it, and quickly, before it kills someone.

Rachel Vincent definitely knows how to write an addictive book. I was turning the pages on this one non-stop, wanting to know what happened. Kaylee is going through a lot of stuff in this book. Every time she falls asleep, she has a terrible nightmare where someone dies and she wakes up screaming. Because of the screaming, when she wakes up she's in the Netherworld. Her best friend, Emma, is dating a guy who is seriously addicted to the demon's breath, and Kaylee is worried it might somehow affect Emma too. Nash starts acting odd, lying to her and using his Influence on her when she doesn't want him to. But Kaylee isn't a helpless damsel in distress. She steps up to the plate and basically saves everyone (again), this time without the help of Nash. I really like Kaylee as a protagonist, because she does what she needs to do, no matter what that is.

I used to be firmly Team Nash. I thought he was a really great guy, even if his relationship with Kaylee was a bit rushed in the beginning. But, this novel just completely converted me to Team Tod. Even if Tod isn't a viable contender at the moment, I'm still on his team, because Nash ruined it. That's all I'm going to say about that. I do have hope, though, that Nash will make a comeback in the later novels and get back to the good place that he was eat in My Soul to Take.

Also, one thing I noticed about Kaylee and Nash together. They're always doing one of two things: a) making out or b) talking about everyone else's problems and how they're going to fix it. They never spend time just to themselves to enjoy each other's company. They never talk about themselves with each other! Every single conversation they have is either about how Nash wants to have sex and Kaylee isn't ready, or how they need to save the world. Honestly, I think that's their biggest flaw as a couple. They may love each other, but they just don't act like a couple all the time. It's kinda frustrating.

But, all that aside, this book is just as action packed and get-your-adrenaline-pumping as the first two, which was great. Rachel Vincent writes with a fast and no-lag pace, pushing the story like The Little Engine That Could. Whatever you may feel while you read Rachel Vincent's novels, bored is not one of them.

Since My Soul to Save, Tod has been continuously evolving and growing as a character, which I love. He is, in my opinion, the best character in the series. He's still a bit of a mystery, but in this novel, we see more of his softer side, of his love for Addison, his ex-girlfriend that sold her soul to a demon for fame and talent in My Soul to Save. He's still sarcastic and cocky, but his heart is in the right place. I'm very much looking forward to his character being expanded in the future novels.

I love this series, and I'm going to keep reading it, I'm just very, very frustrated with where it's going in regards to Kaylee and Nash. I am happy that Kaylee made the right decision in the end of the book. She ignored what her emotions were telling her and thought rationally. She did what was best for her. I'm very intrigued as to what will happen in the future. I give this novel 4 out of 5 stars.