A review by endlessmidnight
Flotsam: Peridot Shift: Book 1 by R.J. Theodore


Well, I was initially interested. But afterwards, I just couldn’t find anything which was memorable. And became another book which I lost interest in and eventually just went on to complete through skimming. 

The story is about the galaxy, but I didn’t feel anything really special about this story. Other than something happened here which drove the ship’s captain to going on something. And the setting which did have some redeemable features about it. 

I guess I just don’t care about any of the characters. Which otherwise will have really intrigued me to the world as it was, and the writing was nothing memorable at all. Just a lot of description and world building which flew over my head. It was just too dry, and it really hampered my ability to love and understand the story as it was. 

Overall, I just didn’t like the story because it didn’t have any characters which I found common ground with. Neither did I find anything which truly intrigued me at all.