A review by whatsupelisabeth
The Universe in a Single Atom by Dalai Lama XIV


I am delighted that this jumped into my queue right after Harari's Homo Deus. (I randomize what I read so to stay on theme, I am chalking this one being my next book up to potential intervention by higher powers beyond scientific analysis.) It was just what my sanity needed, a more compassionate view of the somewhat bleak and reductionist pure-science perspective of our future that I had been grappling with.

In addition, I do find this a remarkably thoughtful weighing of religious and scientific insight. There is no smudging of scientific facts here nor forcing of congruence where it doesn't exist. Rather, it is the perspective of a spiritual scholar who has deeply conversed with the scientific community, and can now find overlap, identify where religious teachings need to catch up with scientific insight, and point out potential synergies.