A review by livinthebubble
Court of the Vampire Queen by Katee Robert

challenging dark fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No


Mina is the powerless daughter of one of the seven bloodline vampires. The book starts with her being sent as a blood sacrifice to another bloodline vampire named Malachi, who she is to serve in whatever way he wants eyebrow wiggle. From there, she ends up meeting two of Malachi's friends (more bloodline vamps of course) and they decide to overthrow Mina's father.

Well, this was and wasn't what I expected. I'd seen the name Katee Robert floating around mostly on tiktok, so when I saw this on NetGalley, I said fuck it.


There is no plot. As many, many other people who've read this have said, this book is mainly smut, with the smallest, tiniest sprinkle of mediocre plot. That said, I knew going into this that it was a very smutty book and wasn't expecting greatness.

The plot of the book is very predictable, and not very good. When I reached Act 3 aka the act with much less smut I was not interested at all in the plot and wanted it to end. Also, the ending was too fast, and let's be honest, meh.


The romance in this is....questionable. I wouldn't call it romance or love, more lust. The main character ends up falling in love with "her men" even though they haven't had an actual conversation during the entirety of the book, they just constantly had sex. One of the men in the same chapter goes from, I hate you, to I tolerate you, to I love you. Hello?

This is the second RH book I've read this year and I have discovered it's not really for me.

The sex scenes were good, I guess, although it was cringy at times and I was confused with some of their positions, to be honest. It's always telling when I have to put out my hands like I'm doing physics to figure out wtf is going on. However, it was entertaining and very spicy, so if you're into vampire p*rn, this is for you.


None of the characters has any substance and I barely know what they look like. If I were going to describe the cast of this book physically, I wouldn't know where to start. As for personality, I'd be hard but I think I could describe them with a word each max.

Mina - no clue what she looks like. She's the embodiment of watching paint dry: boring.
Malachi - Has long hair. The "responsible" one but loses control with FMC (of course)
Wolf - Has a mohawk. I swear the book describes him as "wild" over 50 times.
Rylan - Has short hair. Angy boi.

Needs more editing

Apparently, this is a compilation of 3 novellas, which would be fine, if not for the constant reminder of what happened previously. Also, I was going to ignore it, but since finding out it's a compilation of 3 books that already existed previously I'm going to mention it. There are so many grammatical errors in this and extra words. Here's a taste:

"His drags a single fingertip..."
"Even if they hadn't trying to hurt me.."

Overall, the only thing I'd recommend about this is the smut, but don't expect any literary greatness.

This ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. 

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