A review by darth_aubs
The Dying Days by Shannon Patrick Sullivan


Reviewing this one a bit late, since I wanted to make sure that I had a chat with the author first.

I thought it would be hard, publicly reviewing a book written by a friend - and perhaps it would have been, if this had been a less impressive book. While not flawless - (what is?) - the story's unique premise, solid world building (urban fantasy set in St. John's - I demand more!), and colourful cast (the cats, come onnnn!) more than make up for my qualms. I would have enjoyed further development of the secondary characters and would have shaved a little from the front to pad the middle, but I had such an enjoyable reading experience that those minor issues really don't matter. An impressive book in its own right, but even more so when you consider that its his first.

Verdict: Looking forward to the next SPS novel, whenever it may arrive :)