A review by mystereity
Dyed In The Wool by Ed James


The latest installment in the Scott Cullen series, Dyed in the Wool is the best one yet. The plot was intricate, veering from the death of a man in what seems to be an accident to fight clubs, soccer hooligans and murder. As always, following Cullen on the investigation's many twist and turns is action packed and hard to put down.

Really enjoyed the book, the development of the secondary characters added greatly to the story without being a lot of wordy filler. Also nice to see Cullen begin to mature past the woe-is-me emo twat stage and grow a pair.

The Cullen series is a solid piece of work and I can't recommend it enough. The only criticism (if you can call it that) is some threads in the story are dropped (or not explored fully) and I can only assume that they'll come up again in later books (for example, where did Tom disappear off to? It was talked about that he'd not been spending much time at home, but not why). But a good read that doesn't get bogged down and always a good ending to the story.