A review by nissahh
Complicate Me, by M. Robinson


4.5 Complicated Stars

What can I say about this book? It's beautifully written. There are no words to describe how much I love this book. From the characters, to the plot, to the raw emotion; everything was just beautiful. This was my first angst-y type book and I wasn't disappointed. I don't know if it's because I'm a emotional person, but I went through 4 emotions just in the prologue, including me crying. Thank you M for making me cry in the prologue (sarcasm).

Complicate Me is about best friends since childhood, Alex or Half-Pint and Lucas or Bo. As the title suggests everything about their life is complicated. This is the first book in the Good 'Ol Boys standalone series, which includes the other friends; Jacob, Dylan, and Austin. Alex is the youngest and the only girl in the group, growing up a tomboy. This story is mainly about can friends since birth be more than friends without complicating others involved. Answer: It's complicated. The boys see Alex as a little sister, so you know that they're going to be protective over her, no matter who it is, that includes Lucas.

Lucas has caused Alex a lot of heartache through out the years, so in a way I didn't want them together even though I love them together. You can tell they were meant for each other, but I didn't like the way he treated her, even though he was a teenager.

I'm not very good at giving great reviews when I'm emotional, and this book defiantly left me in a emotional mess by the end of it. I finished it earlier today and I still can't function properly. I highly recommend this read if you love a good emotional read. A Complicated Love story (I'm trying to be punny and it's not going too well).

P.S. I can't wait for the next book, so I can read about my spirit animal Lily. Besides Alex, Lily was my favorite character in the book.