A review by yourstrulee
YOU: Having a Baby: The Owner's Manual to a Happy and Healthy Pregnancy by Mehmet C. Oz, Michael F. Roizen


For the remaining 700 or so Facebook friends that don't realize I'm pregnant - I'm pregnant and due in April!
That being said, I discovered early that if one goes down the rabbit hole of 4 million blogs, websites, mommyblogs of dubious distinction or ...horrors... that "What to Expect" crap, you're going to lose a lot of sleep worrying that perhaps that tablespoon of ranch dressing could have touched a molecule of GMO enhanced soybeans, thus throttling down your baby's IQ for life. This is my first book in the "YOU" series, of which I've been mildly attracted to in the past - mostly, I'l admit, for the sassy covers and illustrations.

This one delivers - it gives sensible, intelligent BACKGROUND about what your body is going through during pregnancy and unlike about 99 percent of the other pregnancy-propaganda books, does NOT take a linear "week by week" approach - I learned a wide range of stuff in this book about how pregnancy works - NO...not "how does it happen" per se but a huge volume of magical genetic and biophysical stuff that is truly interesting - probably even if you're not pregnant or dare I say....MALE! Even my artist husband appreciated the funny and detailed illustrations.

I can't recommend this book enough - I bought it at an airport bookstore at JFK returning from a work trip - a sort of memento of what will probably be my last flight before the big day!
